tirsdag 27. juni 2017

Smarte planer

I dag hadde jeg gleden av å åpne workshop om "low-carbon logistics planning". Målet er å bidra til bærekraftig transport i storbyregioner gjennom å begrense utslipp og trafikktrengsel.

Oslo og Akershus har felles areal- og transportplan og vi vil se på hvordan man kan utvikle og forbedre transportplanleggingen for alle transportformer, og å tette gapet mellom transport- og arealplanlegging. https://www.interregeurope.eu/smart-mr

For den som vil vite hva man sier på en slik åpning har sjansen nå:
"It is nice to welcome you to our wonderful region. We are a fast growing region with several urban areas with regional cities. Eight out of ten live in urban areas in Akershus.

The growth in population and urban areas demand a good strategy for development of the region. In 2014 Oslo and Akershus signed the joint plan for land use and transport planning. We are now working to fulfil the goals of the plan, but as you know changes and development in land use and transport planning takes time.

Akershus and Oslo have recently agreed on a new differentiated payment for vehicles in the tollring. The payment system will both be based on environmental differential tolls and rush hour peaks. Therefore, the tollring will be a restricting measure, not only a financial instrument.

The electric cars is still going free, but in 2019 the electric cars will also pay a moderate toll. However, hydrogen fuel cell cars will still pass the tollring  free.

Our region is in the front to introduce hydrogen fuel cells cars. Akershus County Council has an ambition to make the County an enviromental pioneer. Together with Oslo County we have invested approximately a quarter of the about 400 million Norwegian kroner that have been invested in hydrogen technology in Eastern Norway.

State and regional schemes have given electric and zero-emission vehicles access to the public transportation traffic lane, giving them bypass traffic at far better mobility and free parking and charging.

To reach the goals in our plan, we are dependent on the municipalities, both in their land use plans, and introducing restrictive measures, for example restrictions on parking. The County has developed mobility analysis in cooperation with the municipalities to promote a united understanding of the need for a change towards a greener future.

We are very happy to have interregional cooperation as we do in projects like this. We find that the exchange of experiences is very useful to find good practices to implement in our region.  I hope you will have a productive workshop and a lovely and smart stay!"

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